Worship & Visiting

Whether you are visiting for the first time, or are a longtime member, we are blessed to have you with us. ALL ARE WELCOME! Our vision statement begins and ends with “Idlewild Presbyterian Church is a community in which … all who enter might find a home.” We take these words seriously!

Don’t let the building intimidate you. In this beautiful, traditional space is a welcoming, celebrating, serving family of faith. We don’t all look or act alike; God knows we don’t all think alike. We don’t all read the Bible the same way. We bring different questions, and we carry different burdens. But every Sunday, we worship together as one. 

Idlewild Presbyterian Church is located at 1750 Union Avenue,
at the corner of Union Avenue and Evergreen Street, in the heart of Midtown Memphis.
Parking is on the west side of the church, across Evergreen.
Entrances to both the main Sanctuary Building (which faces Union)
and the Jones Education Building are on Evergreen.
All of our entrances
are on S Evergreen St. 
If you are here for 9:40 AM Sunday school,
walk through the glass doors to find the right room.


In the Jones Building you can find:
classes for:
Young Adult
Nursery care for twos and younger are available
through worship.
On the first service of each month, we share bread and cup. If you feel called, you are welcome to join us.
Before we read scripture,
the children are called forward for Time with the Younger Church.
After, potty-trained 3-5-year-olds are dismissed to Worship and Wonder
for their own worship time.
If you can’t be here for worship,
please join us Sundays live at 11:00
on the radio (96.1 FM) or on YouTube.
At 6 PM, the Youth Group meets for a time of fellowship, games, discussions around faith, and dinner!
Middle school through high schoolers are welcome!