Life Events


Before we know and love God, God knows and loves us. We claim this truth as we celebrate baptism – one of the two sacraments of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Through baptism, the church welcomes children and adults into the fellowship of faith, promising to guide and nurture, love and lead them in the ways of Christ.

At Idlewild, we celebrate baptisms during worship on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. People of all ages are welcomed to the baptismal waters, though traditionally, parents present their young children to receive the sacrament in order to claim the Presbyterian belief that God’s love precedes our ability to know and claim it.

We offer baptismal classes in the spring and fall for parents to learn the theological foundation of baptism. Parents are both prepared for the sacrament and connected with a small group of other parents navigating the same stage of life.

If you are interested in learning more about baptism at Idlewild Church, please contact Marsha Enlow.

Photography by Meredith Benton


Idlewild Presbyterian Church is available for all members and active participants in the life of the church. To inquire about scheduling, please email Marsha Enlow.  We will discuss:

  • Premarital Counseling 
  • Music & Decorations
  • Video & Photography
  • Rehearsal and Day of Schedule


Scripture teaches that in life and in death, we belong to God. As people of faith, we claim this truth when a loved one dies by celebrating their lives through a Service of Witness to the Resurrection – known in some traditions as a funeral. Through this service, we give thanks to God for the gift of life and we claim the power of Christ at work in resurrection.

The Clergy and Staff of Idlewild Presbyterian Church wish to support you and your family before, during, and after the loss of a loved one so please contact Marsha Enlow  if you desire a pastoral visit or if you need information about funerals and funeral planning. 

See Funeral Planning Guide