A place where all are welcome

Idlewild is a place where ALL are welcome! We are a faith community living into a vision of worship, joy, welcoming, and service located in the heart of Midtown Memphis. Idlewild is a part of the Presbyterian Church (USA) denomination and a member of the Presbytery of the Mid‑South.

Our Mission

The mission of Idlewild Presbyterian Church is to pursue, personify, and practice as Presbyterians the good news of reconciliation and salvation in Christ through worship, formation, nurture, and outreach.

A Vision of Idlewild

Idlewild is a community in which…

Jesus Christ is the center; the mighty voice of God inspires us to love; the Spirit joyfully sustains and nurtures seekers of every age, stage and circumstance.

Worship forms the core of community life; prayer binds our brokenness and connects us in Christ’s love to God and to one another; music, poetry and art flourish in gratitude to our Creator; the beauty of creation is treasured and preserved; all the members of the church are ministers.

The focus is scripture and its meaning for today; faith is formed and spirits nourished through reflection, practice and shared learning; the wisdom of other faith traditions is respected; and a diverse membership enriches and unites us.

Justice speaks loudly and peace is our aspiration; all voices are heard; recreation and play are a wellspring for fellowship, celebration and growth; the love of God guides our minds and spirits, leading us to right action in our hearts, our homes, our community, our nation, and our world.

We are a faith community living into a vision of worship, joy, welcoming, and service.

How We Are Organized

Our church is a part of the Presbyterian Church (USA) denomination, and as such is organized according to the denomination’s Book of Order. Men and women are nominated and elected by the congregation to serve as ordained elders, deacons, and trustees.

• Click here to see our Current Officers