Lenten Sermon Series

Lent 2025

In many Christian traditions, the seven last words (or sayings) of Jesus are read during worship on Good Friday. By broadening the tradition to a Lenten sermon series, we will allow more space to examine each saying and appreciate the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Jesus’ words spoken through the pain and anguish of the crucifixion will shape our journey to the cross and our experience of the resurrection miracle. (Art is by Scott Erickson)

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Transcripts are updated as available, typically four days after the sermon is delivered. Thank you for your patience!

Explore Past Sermon Series

February 2025

Throughout February, the Narrative Lectionary will focus our study on the Gospel of Luke. In the assigned passages, Jesus heals three different people and raises a young man from the dead. Our series will invite us to grapple with the healing power of Jesus in scripture and to imagine how that healing power is still at work in our lives and the world.

Advent 2024​

Holy things happen when we gather together. In Matthew 18, Jesus told his disciples “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” If we take the words of Jesus seriously then we must believe that every gathering is an opportunity to experience the presence of God. Our Advent series will help us explore how God shows up in scripture, and what stories of God’s presence teach us about the significance of the incarnation.

Fall 2024​

Why do we worship as we do? If you are new to Idlewild or Presbyterianism, or if you have spent time in other worship traditions, you might have asked this question. The Presbyterian order of worship is meant to mirror the life of Christian faith, but seldom do we take time to examine the significance of the connection. Whether you are a lifelong Presbyterian or new to the tradition, Behind the Bulletin will help us connect our order of worship – Gather, Proclaim, Respond, and Send – with our daily practice of faith.

Summer 2024

During our summer sermon series, we will spend time learning (or relearning) the fundamentals of Reformed Theology. We will gain a better understanding of some familiar theological concepts like the Trinity and Sin as well as unpack some less familiar concepts like Sanctification and Justification. Through the worship, we hope to not only expand our vocabulary of faith, but to gain a better understanding of what it means to be Presbyterian.

Epiphany 2024​

As we celebrate Epiphany, we embark on a new worship series entitled The Power of the Kin(g)dom. Over these 6 weeks, we will explore how the Kingdom of God is described in scripture and the ways the Kingdom breaks into the world today. We will wrestle with our calling to build for the Kingdom and how that calling changes our lives. The series will grow from the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark allowing us to deepen our knowledge of the earliest gospel account as we learn about the Kingdom.

Advent 2023​

As Advent begins, the world around us seems evermore tumultuous, threatening the safety of God’s beloved children in our city and across the globe. The tumult taxes our minds, souls, and spirits, bringing a type of weariness that is hard to shake. We will learn from the Biblical witness how our ancestors in the faith navigated questions like ours amid the turmoil of their times, and we will wrestle with how we may faithfully claim that in Christ, a weary world rejoices.

Fall 2023

Through this series, we will explore how to make a fresh start: in friendships and in family, at school and at work, even in our lives of faith. How does the Spirit of God enable us to begin again? How does our faith inspire hope and possibility in the future?

Summer 2023

The Psalms are a collection of songs, poems, and prayers that capture the breadth of the human experience. This series will deepen our knowledge of scripture by exploring a different psalm each week. 

Lent 2023

During Lent, we will prepare ourselves to live into the paschal mystery by exploring five parables that Jesus shared in the days leading up to his crucifixion. Jesus’ favorite teaching method will guide our learning as we prepare to proclaim the promise of resurrection.​

Advent 2022​

This Advent worship series will focus on some of the overlooked and under-appreciated figures of the story of the Incarnation. As we wait and prepare, we’re going to focus on some of the folks who don’t get the attention that they deserve. Each of these “minor characters,” as we’re calling them, have something to teach us. Zechariah, Elizabeth, the angels, the shepherds, and the inn keeper are here to teach us about how it is that we actually prepare for the Incarnation of God.

Fall 2022

Every so often, it is important for people of faith to pause and ask, “why do we do what we do?” Our series – Finding Our Why – will allow us, lifelong church members as well as those new to the faith, the opportunity to examine some fundamental practices of Christianity. In our study, we hope to both rediscover the Biblical roots of the Church and reveal that which compels our faith and practice today.

Summer 2022

Being the Body is a series inspired by a St. Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582) quote that mentions, “Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” We will spend the summer discussing and breaking down what it means for us to be Christ’s lungs, eyes, ears, hands, feet, tongue, and heart.

Lent 2022

With all the losses and transitions that Idlewild has navigated over the last few years, this series will help us understand the ways that God continues to shape our journey even through grief