Legacy Giving

The Cornerstone Society

seeks to ensure the faithful and prophetic witness of Idlewild Presbyterian Church, to safeguard her calling to shape disciples of Jesus Christ, and to enable her exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world, now and for future generations.

Our forbearers laid a faithful foundation on The Cornerstone,
Jesus Christ. As we strengthen the foundation for future generations, every member is invited to take faithful action – Everyone can leave a legacy.

“Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.”- Ephesians 2:20

The Cornerstone Society recognizes those who have committed to Idlewild’s ministry and mission by including the Church in their will or estate plan. Planned gifts are typically directed to the endowment. There are several ways you can make your legacy gift: 

  • Bequest in your will or revocable living trust
  • Beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy
  • Transfer on death of your financial account or of a payment
  • Other

*Sample language for including the church in your estate plans might be: “I give and devise (state amount, asset, or percentage of the estate) to IDLEWILD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, located at 1750 Union Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104 as an unrestricted bequest.

To take the important step of documenting your intentions and joining the Cornerstone Society, please return this letter of intent to the church or notify: Amanda Kohr, Generosity Coordinator at 901.259.4352 or contributions@idlewildchurch.org.

Legacy Giving Committee

Keith Cole
Elizabeth Rouse

Wendy Ansbro
Ed Beasley
Jody Brown

Kristin Croone
Ellis Haddad

Additional Resources

For more information on the different ways you can leave a legacy gift and the benefits and limitations of each, please see the following resources from the Presbyterian Foundation. We also recommend consulting a professional for financial, tax, and legal advice.